Sunday, December 7, 2014

Media Reviews by Oriona - An Introduction

Welcome to my new blog! Some may know me from my other blog series, The Starchild Diaries, which is just a series of articles about things on my mind. This series is taking a bit more of a specific path.

I am going to be reading books, watching movies and possibly TV shows, and listening to music and giving my review and opinions about it. Let me tell you a bit more about myself and my tastes so you know where my opinions are coming from.

To be honest I am fairly easy to please when it comes to music and movies, however I find that I have a more discerning taste when it comes to books. Recently I read a book - no let me rephrase, I tried to read a book about this guy who gets sucked into the world of the books he writes that have also been made into video games. Although I thought the idea was cool, I finally had to admit to myself that I could not make it through the whole thing. Maybe it would have gotten better but it really just sounded like some gamer-guy's personal fantasy written out in detail.

I generally enjoy movies, and I tend to like almost everything I watch but I can still be objective and recognize the actual quality or lack-thereof, even if I was entertained. I also have a very broad taste in things; for music I like everything from classical to heavy metal to pop, and I tend to be that way with most things. I really hope that writing this blog will encourage me as well as my audience to read more and hopefully appreciate these forms of art more. I also promise to do my best to review without giving too much away with spoilers and if for any reason I have to give anything big away, I promise to put a warning at the top of the post.

That's all I can think of for now, but I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing what you think about what I think and possibly discussing as well :)

Annnnnd scene...

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