Monday, February 23, 2015

50 Shades of Grey - Movie Review

Today is a cause for celebration - book lovers will be happy to know that Hollywood has finally come out with an actual movie adaptation of a book. Not word for word, but I have never seen a movie stick so closely to a book's plot in my life. Honestly, I went into this movie feeling very skeptical. Like so many other people, I had my own ideas about who should play the characters and how the movie should be filmed. In another way I was skeptical because, as I've said before, the book started out as Twilight fan fiction. I didn't think that a movie adaptation of a book that is - in a general sense - a knockoff of another book could possibly be any good. I am still not sure if I was right or not about this, so let's discuss it.

*Spoiler Alert*

In the beginning I could Not. Stop. Laughing. I mean the sexual innuendos were ridiculous and it was a little bit corny. I think I actually snorted a little once. I mean at one point, Anastasia forgets a pen and Christian hands her a pencil with his name on it and while they're talking she is playing with the eraser around her mouth and actually bites it at one point - I mean, come on! And after the interview when she runs out into the rain - symbolizing how um...wet...she is. I was cracking up. But then I realized that this was all true to the book the way they did it. Right off there is the subtle flirting and using inanimate objects to foreshadow what they are going to do later.

This might make you laugh, and I didn't realize until it happened, that somehow, subconsciously, I was not expecting so much nudity. I guess I am so used to movies discreetly switching frames to something else that I was surprised even though I knew there was going to be nudity. Now thinking back over the scenes, there was some pretty...revealing flashes of certain areas.

I really want to applaud Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson for bringing these characters to life. I know they are receiving a lot of criticism because everyone has a different opinion and let's face it, when it comes to this book, there is just no pleasing everyone. I think it was incredibly brave for these actors to take on this movie because in all truth, it was a gamble. For one, with all the discussion and controversy around who should play who, when the decision was made and there was all the backlash of fans who were outraged that their dream cast wasn't chosen - that had to be intimidating. Knowing that before they even had the chance to 'crack the whip' at the movie, they were already letting some people down. Not only that, but they knew from the beginning that they - especially Jamie - would become sex symbols. From now on people are going to look at them and see Christian and Anastasia - until they grab up some new roles and fast. The gamble there was that if people like the movie, they will most likely get a ton of new offers and if people don't, they might not. What I most respect is that Jamie and Dakota got to know their characters and became them. They took their roles seriously and ran with them. The mannerisms were near perfect and actually, I think Jamie actually portrayed Christian even more mysterious and suave than he was in the books. But it's more than that, in their eyes, you could see the thoughts and emotions of the characters coming through their expressions and I think that is absolutely incredible. 

Despite what I heard them say in some interviews, I think they created a really good on-screen chemistry. Jamie especially was just dripping with sexual appeal in every scene which was absolutely true to his character. Dakota was virginal and curious and a little awkward but also not a push over which was true to her character. I really think the acting was really very good.

The only complaint I have with this movie is that other than having read the book, there wasn't really enough time to really get to know and actually care that much about the characters. As a stand alone movie without the book, I wouldn't really understand why these two people were so after each other, particularly why Christian was so hot after Anastasia. But then again, it happened really fast in the book too so I don't know. The bottom line is that in my opinion, they played the characters very well and the movie was hot and steamy but also romantic in its own way.

Now for the rating

Main Characters: I think both characters evolved throughout the course of the film. Christian turned into more of a romantic and Anastasia lost her virginity. So there's that. I really liked Anastasia a lot though, she was kind of dorky but also stood strong and wasn't a push over and  - something I find rare for a female lead, unfortunately - she was in control of herself. She didn't let Christian's domineering attitude nor her own attraction for him guide her actions. I don't know if being attracted to Christian Grey is the same as 'liking' him as a person. Yeah he's hot, but I don't know if I were to like him if I were to meet him in person - he's so bossy. I give them both together a 4/5

Support characters: Friends and family? They barely got any screen time and honestly I have no idea how they contributed to the film at all. I'll give them 2/5 for showing up.

Classic Potential: Probably will end up in the same category as Basic Instinct and of course, Twilight, but I think this film will go down in history as something, so for that I will give 3/5.

Acting: Christian for sure gets 5/5 because even though I was sure I wouldn't like Jamie in this role, he proved me completely wrong. He became Christian Grey in my mind and not only that he became Christian Grey on screen. Not just in appearance but in mannerisms and his intense stares and expressions that said so much more than words. Anastasia I give 4/5 because although Dakota played Anastasia really well, there was just something a tiny bit off in her scenes with Jamie, something lacking. I can't put my finger on it but it's there and for that is why I docked 1 point.

Soundtrack: 5/5 hands down. Each and every song was perfect for the scene it was played in. I love the special version of Beyonce's Crazy in Love and Haunted. Some of the other songs are still stuck in my head and I will be getting this album for sure. 

Overall: 23/30 = 76%

So not a great grade, but I still really enjoyed the film personally. Comparing it to the book, it really stayed true to the spirit of the novel and I think that is really cool. I thought it was neat the way they brought to the screen through cinematography the way E. L. James described textures and touches in the book. I have great respect for the actors and the people who worked to bring a book to life. The book itself...

In my opinion, the book is what I call an 'entertainment read' that will never really be considered a great work of literature but is good enough to be a page turner and scandalous enough to make its mark in history. Something you can read in a single sitting and let's face it, it's hot. I myself blushed like crazy when I read it. The one thing I will say about E. L. James is that she is very...very.... descriptive. 

I wasn't surprised that it was such a success was twilight. I mean really, the plot is almost the exact same. Girl meets guy, guy is powerful, mysterious, and has a dark secret. She's like 'I don't care, you're hot and interesting (and rich, but that totally means nothing to me...really...*shifty eyes*) and I want to fix you' and he's like 'you'll never understand, I'm a monster and even though I claim to care for you and I know what kind of person I am I don't have the self control to leave you alone' so somehow that translates to love. I mean, LITERALLY - just "please excuse my dear aunt sally" this equation:

(Twilight - vampires) - werewolves) + SEX = 50 Shades of Grey. 

The whole thing is really...unlikely though not as impossible as Twilight. Which I think is another reason why I think this franchise is so successful.

Anyway, that's my opinions on this particular matter. I hope my review has been helpful to you or at least entertaining. Have you seen 50 Shades? What did you think?

Let me know!

Picture credits are linked through the pictures.

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