Sunday, January 11, 2015

Points System

Okay, so this is how I am going to be rating the books, movies, and music albums I will be reviewing from now on. Each category is rated out of 5 and then totaled at the end for an overall rating.


Protagonist/Main Character: rated on likability and how well a reader could relate to them. They are also judged on how much character development happens over the course of the book and if they are an active participant of events - or does he/she just sit around letting all the other characters carry her through and basically does nothing but everything 'surrounds' that character. (I'm looking at you, Bella)

Antagonist: Basically judged on how good of a villain they are and how much they drove the plot. Could the story have still happened without them?

Support Characters: Do they give something extra to the book? How do they help the main character and how to they help make the story?

Addictive-ness: How hard was it to put down?

Classic Potential?: Could this book and its author stand the test of time and take a place next to the greats such as Shakespeare, Jane Austin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Homer?


Will be rated like books with these changes:
There will be no addictive-ness rating

The Classic Potential will be compared to movies like Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, and other movies like that which could never really be remade or topped. Movies that will always be around and enjoyed for generations.

There will also be these categories:

Acting: Did the people playing the characters really make them come to life, or did you just see the actor?

Soundtrack: How well did the soundtrack capture the mood of the movie?

Special Effects (if applicable): Were they well done for the time period of the movies and were they believable?

*I can also foresee other categories coming up with different kinds of movies but I think these are good and can encompass most movies I will be reviewing.

Music Albums

Emotion: Does the album provoke any emotion from you?

BMR: Beat, Melody, and Rhythm - how are they? Does it suit the kind of music? Is it confusing?

Enjoyable? Could this on its own be entertainment? Would sitting in a room listening to this music be enough to entertain someone.

Creativity: How different is this from other music in the media? How did the artist take this genre and make it their own?

Message: Is the artist trying to say something with their music?

These are all I can think of that would cover just about anything, but if there is some other aspect that you would want me to talk about when I am reviewing something, let me know!


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