Monday, January 12, 2015

The Fountain - Movie Review

Directed by Darren Aronofsky

Release Date: November 22, 2006

Warner Brothers Pictures and Regency Enterprises

Starring: Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz

Film Synopsis:

Tommy is a medical researcher studying brain tumours and desperately trying to find a 'miracle cure' for his dying wife, Izzy. Their story is mirrored by the book Izzy has written about a conquistador from the 1500's searching for the mythical tree of life in order to save his queen and country.

Watch the trailer here.


*Major Spoiler Alert*

So the first time I saw this movie, I was very confused about what was actually happening. I could see that his wife was dying, but was kind of thrown by the flashes between him as a 15th century conquistador and a guy floating in space in a giant bubble with a tree. I really feel that you have to watch the entire movie to even begin to understand what is happening. However, to say this movie is about a guy whose wife is dying and he is trying to cure her is like saying the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is about some guys going up a river in a boat.

What the movies is really about is life, death, and love. Some people think this movie is them being reincarnated - I'm not entirely sure of that. It very well could be, and there are some signs pointing to that, but I think that the part that happens in the past is just the story Izzy wrote about a conquistador and his queen -  and that part of the movie is to symbolize and illustrate what is happening to them. It's how Izzy views her illness.

 I am not too clear about the guy in the future but I have a theory that when Tommy plants the tree at the end, he then goes and finds the actual tree of life - that his lab seems to have found - and he becomes immortal. Clinging to the love of his wife and one day takes her whole tree - which maybe he replanted as the tree of life, or took her body to the tree of life OR the tree just became symbolic of her; I'm still not sure. But anyway, he takes his tree/wife to Xibalba (the nebula surrounding the dying star) as a way of dying and being reborn. My other theory is that the guy in the bubble is just Tommy's way of finishing the story. What's more is the whole part with him and Izzy in modern times is the guy in the bubble's memories. That's really all that I find really confusing. It makes sense and then it doesn't. - wibbly wobbly.

Either way, this movie is really stunning visually and I loved all of the symbolism of him just...moving through time and space. It is a story that makes you just sit there and think about how inevitable death is. We are all constantly moving toward it and there is nothing really we can do. What is most important in our lives is the people we love and spending time with them. It's about the experiences in life that add up to who we are in the end. We cherish those memories because one day someone we love will die and all we really have when they are gone is their memory.

Maybe this movie is about reincarnation in a way because energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply...changes. The energy that was these two people who loved each other might change one day to be another two people who love each other. Or maybe, it will just be a tree.


Protagonist: It is kind of hard to pick which version of Hugh Jackman's character is really the one to review, but I decided on Tommy because the conquistador is like the story version of him and the bubble guy is the future version of him(?). I think throughout the movie I just kind of felt bad for Tommy. I mean, the guy's wife is dying and he has the answer for her cure so close to him...just at his finger tips and before he can get the chance to use it, she dies. He was also pretty relatable I thought, because how many people these days have had to watch someone they love slowly die right in front of them and they are powerless to stop it?  He did do a lot of changing in the movie, I think at first the version of him in the bubble with the tree didn't want to face his past but he eventually did and he ended up dying feeling 'whole.' But the conquistador I think took a turn for the worst - he seemed to be a bit greedy and destructive at the end drinking all that life sap. For all that I give the character of Tommy: 4/5.

Antagonist: Time and the disease are really the antagonists in this story. Although the inquisitor was a pretty menacing guy, he wasn't really important to the story. There is nothing that can beat death or fight passage of time - they drive the events of every story really. For that I give them 5/5.

Support Characters: I think of Izzy as a lead/support character. Although she was Tommy's wife and the conquistador's queen, she just had this heir of the mysterious oracle who was helping Tommy learn some divine truth. Which in the end I think he did, using the memories of things she said and her story. The other people in the movie did almost nothing except for Tommy's boss played by Ellen Burstyn - she was kind of like a motherly figure. Being that most of this movie was about Tommy's inner struggle with dealing with the death of his wife and the supporting characters didn't really contribute much, I give them 3/5.

Classic Potential: I am not entirely sure about this one, I think this movie was made a bit before it's time and I don't think a lot of people will get it, but maybe people in the future will see more from it so I'm gonna go half and half and give it a 2.5/5

Acting: Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz are amazing actors and I think they did a really good job, especially at the end when Tommy is sitting on the bed crying and giving himself a crude ring tattoo to replace his wedding band - was really heart wrenching and made me bawl my eyes out. I'm still sniffling a bit while writing this. I think it was cool how they both played multiple characters but those characters still mirrored each other. 4/5

Soundtrack: I just finished watching the movie less than two hours ago when writing this and I can't even remember the soundtrack really, so for that 2/5.

Special Effects: Really good. Like I said before this movie had stunning visuals and symbolism and it was all very beautiful and seamless to my eyes. I give it 5/5

Overall Rating: 25.5/35

References and Picture Credits:

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