Friday, September 4, 2015

Lindsay Stirling

Hey guys! Been a long time since I posted a media review but I have just fallen so head over heels in love with two artists lately and so I am going to do a separate post for each of them. What I am excited about is that these two artists did a collaboration together that is just so beyond epic. So the first artist and who I am going to talk about in this post is a lovely young lady named Lindsey Stirling and the other is the amazingly bad ass Lzzy Hale who is the lead singer of her band Halestorm.

So let's talk about Lindsey. She is a violinist and dancer from Arizona, USA, who competed in the 2010 America's Got Talent. The very first song of hers I heard was Crystallize. Ever since, I have listened to everything of hers that I can get my ears on. Quite honestly, her music makes me feel like I am flying and it is pretty much all I have listened to for the past few weeks and I still haven't got my fill. Her music is just amazing.

Now I want to talk about her music videos. All that I have seen are pieces of art in themselves and can be very stimulating to the imagination - at least they are for me. One video in particular I want to bring to attention is her music video to Beyond the Veil which I will share here:

I find the imagery so mesmerizing. It is like looking at a moving painting and Lindsay reminds me of a little fairy or sprite. Or maybe some kind of woodland nymph and if she has anything to do with the ideas for her videos then I also love her imagination. I just love her energy and zest - you can really tell that she loves what she does. Another reason I love her music so much is that it is so completely different from everything I have ever heard. These days, if someone wants to be a music artist, it feels like most people believe you can only be a singer or in a rock band. I really admire how Lindsey has taken a classic instrument and brought it into the 21st century. This beautiful blend of the classic sound of violin with the modern beat of dub step and faster beats is really refreshing and I love that a lot of her compositions are original pieces.

Anyway, if you haven't already heard her music, you should absolutely give it a listen and I would love to hear what you guys think as well. I would love to hear her do some kind of Tango sounding kind of song.

Lindsey, if you ever read this post, I just want to say that you are amazing and I think your music will go down in history. I feel that you are truly one of the great artists of our time and I want to thank you so much for all you do.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this amazing artist as much as I do!

Until next time,


Monday, February 23, 2015

50 Shades of Grey - Movie Review

Today is a cause for celebration - book lovers will be happy to know that Hollywood has finally come out with an actual movie adaptation of a book. Not word for word, but I have never seen a movie stick so closely to a book's plot in my life. Honestly, I went into this movie feeling very skeptical. Like so many other people, I had my own ideas about who should play the characters and how the movie should be filmed. In another way I was skeptical because, as I've said before, the book started out as Twilight fan fiction. I didn't think that a movie adaptation of a book that is - in a general sense - a knockoff of another book could possibly be any good. I am still not sure if I was right or not about this, so let's discuss it.

*Spoiler Alert*

In the beginning I could Not. Stop. Laughing. I mean the sexual innuendos were ridiculous and it was a little bit corny. I think I actually snorted a little once. I mean at one point, Anastasia forgets a pen and Christian hands her a pencil with his name on it and while they're talking she is playing with the eraser around her mouth and actually bites it at one point - I mean, come on! And after the interview when she runs out into the rain - symbolizing how um...wet...she is. I was cracking up. But then I realized that this was all true to the book the way they did it. Right off there is the subtle flirting and using inanimate objects to foreshadow what they are going to do later.

This might make you laugh, and I didn't realize until it happened, that somehow, subconsciously, I was not expecting so much nudity. I guess I am so used to movies discreetly switching frames to something else that I was surprised even though I knew there was going to be nudity. Now thinking back over the scenes, there was some pretty...revealing flashes of certain areas.

I really want to applaud Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson for bringing these characters to life. I know they are receiving a lot of criticism because everyone has a different opinion and let's face it, when it comes to this book, there is just no pleasing everyone. I think it was incredibly brave for these actors to take on this movie because in all truth, it was a gamble. For one, with all the discussion and controversy around who should play who, when the decision was made and there was all the backlash of fans who were outraged that their dream cast wasn't chosen - that had to be intimidating. Knowing that before they even had the chance to 'crack the whip' at the movie, they were already letting some people down. Not only that, but they knew from the beginning that they - especially Jamie - would become sex symbols. From now on people are going to look at them and see Christian and Anastasia - until they grab up some new roles and fast. The gamble there was that if people like the movie, they will most likely get a ton of new offers and if people don't, they might not. What I most respect is that Jamie and Dakota got to know their characters and became them. They took their roles seriously and ran with them. The mannerisms were near perfect and actually, I think Jamie actually portrayed Christian even more mysterious and suave than he was in the books. But it's more than that, in their eyes, you could see the thoughts and emotions of the characters coming through their expressions and I think that is absolutely incredible. 

Despite what I heard them say in some interviews, I think they created a really good on-screen chemistry. Jamie especially was just dripping with sexual appeal in every scene which was absolutely true to his character. Dakota was virginal and curious and a little awkward but also not a push over which was true to her character. I really think the acting was really very good.

The only complaint I have with this movie is that other than having read the book, there wasn't really enough time to really get to know and actually care that much about the characters. As a stand alone movie without the book, I wouldn't really understand why these two people were so after each other, particularly why Christian was so hot after Anastasia. But then again, it happened really fast in the book too so I don't know. The bottom line is that in my opinion, they played the characters very well and the movie was hot and steamy but also romantic in its own way.

Now for the rating

Main Characters: I think both characters evolved throughout the course of the film. Christian turned into more of a romantic and Anastasia lost her virginity. So there's that. I really liked Anastasia a lot though, she was kind of dorky but also stood strong and wasn't a push over and  - something I find rare for a female lead, unfortunately - she was in control of herself. She didn't let Christian's domineering attitude nor her own attraction for him guide her actions. I don't know if being attracted to Christian Grey is the same as 'liking' him as a person. Yeah he's hot, but I don't know if I were to like him if I were to meet him in person - he's so bossy. I give them both together a 4/5

Support characters: Friends and family? They barely got any screen time and honestly I have no idea how they contributed to the film at all. I'll give them 2/5 for showing up.

Classic Potential: Probably will end up in the same category as Basic Instinct and of course, Twilight, but I think this film will go down in history as something, so for that I will give 3/5.

Acting: Christian for sure gets 5/5 because even though I was sure I wouldn't like Jamie in this role, he proved me completely wrong. He became Christian Grey in my mind and not only that he became Christian Grey on screen. Not just in appearance but in mannerisms and his intense stares and expressions that said so much more than words. Anastasia I give 4/5 because although Dakota played Anastasia really well, there was just something a tiny bit off in her scenes with Jamie, something lacking. I can't put my finger on it but it's there and for that is why I docked 1 point.

Soundtrack: 5/5 hands down. Each and every song was perfect for the scene it was played in. I love the special version of Beyonce's Crazy in Love and Haunted. Some of the other songs are still stuck in my head and I will be getting this album for sure. 

Overall: 23/30 = 76%

So not a great grade, but I still really enjoyed the film personally. Comparing it to the book, it really stayed true to the spirit of the novel and I think that is really cool. I thought it was neat the way they brought to the screen through cinematography the way E. L. James described textures and touches in the book. I have great respect for the actors and the people who worked to bring a book to life. The book itself...

In my opinion, the book is what I call an 'entertainment read' that will never really be considered a great work of literature but is good enough to be a page turner and scandalous enough to make its mark in history. Something you can read in a single sitting and let's face it, it's hot. I myself blushed like crazy when I read it. The one thing I will say about E. L. James is that she is very...very.... descriptive. 

I wasn't surprised that it was such a success was twilight. I mean really, the plot is almost the exact same. Girl meets guy, guy is powerful, mysterious, and has a dark secret. She's like 'I don't care, you're hot and interesting (and rich, but that totally means nothing to me...really...*shifty eyes*) and I want to fix you' and he's like 'you'll never understand, I'm a monster and even though I claim to care for you and I know what kind of person I am I don't have the self control to leave you alone' so somehow that translates to love. I mean, LITERALLY - just "please excuse my dear aunt sally" this equation:

(Twilight - vampires) - werewolves) + SEX = 50 Shades of Grey. 

The whole thing is really...unlikely though not as impossible as Twilight. Which I think is another reason why I think this franchise is so successful.

Anyway, that's my opinions on this particular matter. I hope my review has been helpful to you or at least entertaining. Have you seen 50 Shades? What did you think?

Let me know!

Picture credits are linked through the pictures.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Romantic, Sexy, and Anti Valentine's Day Songs

So a couple of days ago I asked you guys for some romantic and sexy song ideas because I just couldn't find a single album by one artist that really did it for this romantic month of love. I feel like I am being overdosed with Valentine's Day stuff but the hopeless romantic in me still loves the idea of it. Not the media-crazed big red hearts and flowers and chocolates part, but just using the date - so symbolic of love - as an excuse to go the extra mile for someone to show how much they mean to you. So this is a list of songs for everyone on Valentine's Day, there are fun songs, sexy songs, romantic songs, and songs for people who just don't like this holiday and want to celebrate their awesome single selves. They are not in any particular order either, just categories - thanks so much for your help and I hope you enjoy it!

Romantic Songs 

Sea of Love - John Phillips
I love these classic songs, they just paint this picture of dancing in one of those gazebos by a moonlit lake with the car radio gently playing this song in the background. Recommended by Heather :)
I know a lot of people find this overly played and sappy but I genuinely love this song, to my ears it sounds heartfelt and genuine and with Lindsay Stirling's violin tugging on your heartstrings, it just makes the song that much sweeter.

My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
Ah, the classic and ultimate sappy love song in my opinion, still admittedly one of my favourites - I mean, really, how can you beat the way Celine Dion's voice and the music come together and bring you up and down as if you, yourself are Rose saying 'I'll never let go, Jack' are you carefully pluck each one of his cold, dead fingers from the door that we all know could have fit two. Sorry, that wasn't really romantic was it? I just wanted him to live!!

Right Here Waiting For You - Richard Marx
The heartbreaking yet hopeful 80s ballad for long-distance lovers.

Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle
This is such a beautiful song for fathers and daughters, or parents and children - a good reminder that Valentine's Day doesn't have to be just about lovers. I remember my dad dancing with me before I left for my 8th grade grad dance 'just in case those boys are too stupid to ask you to dance' (they were) - that is what this song reminds me of. Recommended by the lovely Patricia :)

I'd Rather Go Blind - Etta James
Etta James I feel is just one of the soulful voices that is the sound of love. 

Thinking out Loud - Ed Shereean

Honestly, the first time I hear this at the beginning I thought it was Michael Buble, but then I realized it was Ed Shereean - who I am finding is coming out with more and more of my favourite songs - I was just so happy. He seems like such a sweet person from the little I know of him and he seems like he just has one of the biggest hearts out there in celebrity land. Also, check out the video, he has some sick dancing skills! Thanks to Brittany for this one :)

Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
Guardian's of the Galaxy really re-awakened this song back into mainstream I think but I have always found it to be so happy and uplifting - which is how love should make you feel! Thank you Challice for this and the next two songs :) 

Call Me - Blondie
What a fierce, take control of what you want kind of song - eat your heart out Carly Rae ;)

Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
This makes me want to do some head-bobbing, foot-tapping 80s dance around my apartment...actually I think I shall ;) 

Kiss From a Rose - Seal
I know it says rose, but I imagine standing in a field of sunflowers on a sunny, windy day when I hear this song. Also driving... a lot of songs remind me of driving. Thank you Janie for recommending this song :)

Truly, Madly, Deeply - Savage Garden
This song is in like my personal top 5 of favourite love songs, it is just so...90s perfect. Thank you Clayton for actually suggesting a legit romantic song. (mischievous 'brother in law')

Hanging by a Moment - Lifehouse
I feel like this is one of those under-appreciated, almost hidden love songs because it doesn't sound sappy. It's more like a crashing, unabashed declaration of emotion. Thanks to Clayton again.

Light Surrounding You
I had never heard this song before it was recommended to me by Melissa (thank you!) but it is really beautiful and a great song to feature on this list.

You and I - Ingrid Michaelson
This is such a cute song!! Thank you Heather MN lol 

Hero - Enrique Iglesias
This song was also suggested by Clayton but I probably would have put it up anyway because it is another one of my favourite love songs. The music video is so friggen dramatic though, that it almost makes me laugh.

Remember these bad-boys?
At Last - Etta James 
The lady of the songs of love strikes again with this timeless classic. I like pushing the button at the drugstore that plays this song - you know that board with 30 second song samples from CDs they are selling? (Reminds me of hit clips.)

You Go to My Head - Ella Fitzgerald
This is another song I hadn't heard before it was recommended but holy, does it ever remind me of something that would be playing at some elegant, swanky party filled with sparkle, laughter and beautiful gowns when two people, just meant for each other lock eyes from across the room. They don't know each other but they feel the attraction right away. It's all very James Bond when he confidently approaches and asks the lady for a dance. Thanks to Vikki for this and the next two songs :) 

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
This song just sounds so sad and heartbreaking but it is so beautiful and haunting...almost makes me want to cry. 

You Go to My Head - Louis Armstrong
Same swanky party, later in the night on a starlit balcony, looking in each others eyes and trying to figure what the other is thinking. I am imaging a young Sean Connery as James Bond across from the stunning Elizabeth Taylor.

Evergreen - Barbra Streisand
One of the other voices of my childhood, the lovely tunes of Barbra Streisand would fill the walls of my house on a Sunday - I miss those days, and this is a lovely song. Thanks to Star for this one and the next two.

Unchained Melody
My mom loves this song, I remember her telling me that she loved how that the title suits the song because no where in the song do they say 'unchained melody' - I know a lot of people will be reminded of the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze when they hear this. Recently I had a mild obsession with this song so I put it on full blast and repeat and wandered around our small apartment singing along...loudly...I'm sorry neighbours.

I Cross My Heart - George Strait
A sweet country love song :)

Sleepwalk - Santo & Johnny
I absolutely adore these old songs they are just so classic and beautiful, it plucks my heartstrings. Thank you again Vikki for this one and the next three!

Romeo and Juliet Love Theme - Tchaikovski
The great composer put music to one one the oldest and most loved stories of all time! Obviously this composition deserves a honoured position on this list

God Only Knows - Beach Boys
I love the Beach Boys :)

You Are So Beautiful - Joe Cocker
Forever and ever will this remind my of the little rascals. Thank you Vikki and Meggen

Amazed - Lonestar
I once killed this at karaoke...I mean, I completely murdered it...I destroyed this beautiful song of love because for the life of me I could not remember how it went. I'm sorry, so sorry. Thank you Star for this suggestion.

Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer
YES! I love this song so much, makes me so happy in my 90s nostalgia :) Thank you Shawna

You Save Me - Kenny Cheseney
I do like these romantic country ballads :) Thank you Meggen for this and the next two :)

Alive - Adelitas Way
This song was such a wonderful and happy and hopeful song about love, it made me feel good to listen to it. :)

Suddenly - Billy Ocean
This was another song I never heard before but I really enjoyed it a lot, it was so lovely :)

So here are some more of my personal favourite love songs that I hope you guys enjoy as well:

I Will Always Love you - Whitney Houston
My mom bawled when Lorelai sang this to did I. It was also one of my favourite songs when I was there's that too.

Be My forever - Christina Perri and Ed Shereean
So happy :)

500 Miles - Proclaimers
Okay seriously, who doesn't love this song?

Sexy Songs - for uh...later.

Chicks Dig It - Chris Cagle
I was surprised by this lively country tune, but...I dig it :p Thank you Eric

Grind on Me - Pretty Ricky
Thanks Heather MN for this song, it made me laugh when I remembered this song but it is undoubtedly a very sexy song ;)

Into The Night - Chad Kroeger and Santana
Love that soulful guitar

Candy Shop - 50 Cent
Reminds me of 9th grade when I thought I was a bad-ass lol but still a damn sexy song filled with sugary innuendo lol Thanks Robin :)

Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
Yep, it's sexy.

My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fallout Boy
Suggested by Janet, I have to agree that I don't know how or why but this song has a sexy feel... it is also a tad bad-assy.

Animals - Maroon 5
The songs is very sexy in my opinion - carnal and primitive which I like, but the video is hella creeps.

Bad Things - Jace Everett
Also the theme to True Blood, I still really enjoy this song :)

Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
Scott and I danced to this in a thunderstorm was nice ;)

Scream - Usher

One More Night - Maroon 5

Assassin's Tango - John Powell
I so desperately want to learn the tango...

I Put a Spell on You - Nina Simone

Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground

Anti Songs

Bye Bye Bye - N'SYNC

Blank Space - Taylor Swift
This song is hilarious and the video makes it just that much funnier.

Holding Out for a Hero - Jennifer Saunders
Now this song I completely rocked at karaoke... two Valentine's Days ago actually lol

What The Hell - Avril Lavigne

Bitch - Meredith Brooks

Roar - Katy Perry

Losing His Touch - Jack Off Jill

You Don't Own Me - Lesley Gore
Thanks Heather MN

Feel Good Drag - Anberlin

U+UR Hand - P!NK

Well that is all I have for now, I am sorry I didn't include all the the suggestions, I did try to do most of them. I also apologize for the diminished discussion blurbies - it was getting late. I am not going to give this list or these songs an actual rating because they are simply compiled for those who will enjoy them. If you have any more suggestions, let me know! :) Have a good one!


Picture credits are now linked through the pictures themselves

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Changing up the Schedule

So after much very careful thought, I have decided to change from posting every week to every other week. I was pretty optimistic at the start to think I could keep up with posting about a different movie, book, and music album every week - but it usually takes me longer to read a book than that(well, depending on the book) let alone reviewing and discussing it. So what I am going to try now is at the end of the first week of the month I will review a music album, the second week/middle of the month will be the movie, and at the end of the month will be a book. For now I am going to take a break to catch up on life and my reading but you can expect my next blog following the new schedule to be on February 7th, 2015.

That's it for now!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Enya - A Day Without Rain - Album Review

A Day Without RainRelease Date: November 21, 2000

Warner Elektra Atlantic Corp.

Genre: New Age Pop

Enya definitely has a very different yet beautiful style that I have found I enjoy especially on rainy days. There are some songs that are beautiful and uplifting, some that make you feel grounded and close to the earth and some that almost make you want to cry. Although sometimes I find it difficult to understand all the lyrics, her music does speak to a certain part of my soul that still dreams of flying among the birds, getting to touch a soft white cloud or walk through a mystical forest.

1. A Day Without Rain
This beautiful instrumental opening is really a lovely way to start an album I found this song to be like taking long deep breaths in and out and it just makes me feel so peaceful and relaxed. With no lyrics it is hard to know what Enya might be trying to convey with this song but just going by how it makes me feel I would say this song is just peace, tranquility, calm, and a little bit of magic.

2. Wild Child
I really feel like this song is about living in the moment, being grateful for the day and all you have, time is passing, and you can't do anything about the past or future in this moment so you should enjoy it - what a day to be alive!

3. Only Time
This is one of Enya's more well-known songs that she released, and one of my favourites. However, I feel like this song has a deeper meaning than what I have ever been able to comprehend. What I get from it is that time is always passing, I think the song is about love and loss and I think it is really beautiful.

4. Tempus Vernum
In all honesty, this song use to scare me as a child. It reminded me of Lord Frolo's solo song from the Hunchback of Notredame (Disney version). It is just so dark sounding and it's all in what sounds like Latin (not that I really know what Latin sounds like). Not one of my favourites. Thank goodness that on the CD it has a great transition into the next song which is much nicer.

5. Deora Ar Mo Chroi
Again this song is in a different language but nonetheless it is so beautiful and harmonic, to me this sounds what I would imagine singing in heaven sounds like, peaceful and uplifting.

6. Flora's Secret
Although this song is in English, I still have no idea what she is talking about - I feel like I am listening to poetry that is using imagery that I need the aid of my 12th grade English teacher to comprehend. That being said, I still find the words beautiful and the music speaks to a part of me that seems to understand better than my silly brain.

7. Fallen Embers
I remember being home alone and singing this (being one of the songs I could mostly understand the lyrics) and being all dramatic looking out the window. It is just so tragically beautiful - a woman singing to someone she loves but isn't with anymore for some reason.

8. Silver Inches
It's funny to me that it's called 'inches' because the beginning sounds to me like a ballerina tip toeing quickly inch by inch. This sounds uplifting and fun...and I could also imagine one of those old-fashion ball scenes with the people doing the gentle hand-touch dance to this song.

9. Pilgrim
To me, this song is about self discovery; learning who we are through the choices we make.

10. One by One
This is kind of a fun-ish story about people who thought they wanted to be on their own but realised in the end that they were really meant to be together. Don't say goodbye to someone you love.

11. Lazy Days
I used to lay on the carpeted floor of my living room or outside in the grass while I listened to this song and imagine being in a field of sunflowers, with the wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining on my face, warming me.

Clearly this whole album holds a lot of memories for me and it is one of my favourite throwback albums when I want to revisit my child hood. So I may be slightly bias, but here is my review:

Emotion: I am going to give A Day Without Rain a 3/5 because it mostly makes me feel calm and uplifted, but nothing much more than that.

BMR: There's never much of a beat or what I would call rhythm, but it is very melodious and flows like water, which is the type of music that it is, so I will give 4/5.

Enjoyable?: Absolutely, there have been many afternoons for me spent just listening to this album and I think that because its so different and ethereal, it definitely takes me away to a different place that doesn't call for any other entertainment. 5/5

Creativity Another 5/5 because I have listened to many different kinds of music and I have never heard another that sounds quite like Enya.

Message: 3/5 I believe a lot of what she was trying to say had to do with the passage of time - but I wasn't really sure most of the time, and it made it more difficult with some of her songs being in different languages.

Total: 20/25

All in all I do love this album, I recommend it to anyone who wants something beautiful, calming, and easy to listen to with your morning hot beverage of choice. If you guys didn't notice before, you can click on the titles of each song to listen to it on youtube - let me know what you think!

Have a great day!

Sources and Picture Credits:

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Fountain - Movie Review

Directed by Darren Aronofsky

Release Date: November 22, 2006

Warner Brothers Pictures and Regency Enterprises

Starring: Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz

Film Synopsis:

Tommy is a medical researcher studying brain tumours and desperately trying to find a 'miracle cure' for his dying wife, Izzy. Their story is mirrored by the book Izzy has written about a conquistador from the 1500's searching for the mythical tree of life in order to save his queen and country.

Watch the trailer here.


*Major Spoiler Alert*

So the first time I saw this movie, I was very confused about what was actually happening. I could see that his wife was dying, but was kind of thrown by the flashes between him as a 15th century conquistador and a guy floating in space in a giant bubble with a tree. I really feel that you have to watch the entire movie to even begin to understand what is happening. However, to say this movie is about a guy whose wife is dying and he is trying to cure her is like saying the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is about some guys going up a river in a boat.

What the movies is really about is life, death, and love. Some people think this movie is them being reincarnated - I'm not entirely sure of that. It very well could be, and there are some signs pointing to that, but I think that the part that happens in the past is just the story Izzy wrote about a conquistador and his queen -  and that part of the movie is to symbolize and illustrate what is happening to them. It's how Izzy views her illness.

 I am not too clear about the guy in the future but I have a theory that when Tommy plants the tree at the end, he then goes and finds the actual tree of life - that his lab seems to have found - and he becomes immortal. Clinging to the love of his wife and one day takes her whole tree - which maybe he replanted as the tree of life, or took her body to the tree of life OR the tree just became symbolic of her; I'm still not sure. But anyway, he takes his tree/wife to Xibalba (the nebula surrounding the dying star) as a way of dying and being reborn. My other theory is that the guy in the bubble is just Tommy's way of finishing the story. What's more is the whole part with him and Izzy in modern times is the guy in the bubble's memories. That's really all that I find really confusing. It makes sense and then it doesn't. - wibbly wobbly.

Either way, this movie is really stunning visually and I loved all of the symbolism of him just...moving through time and space. It is a story that makes you just sit there and think about how inevitable death is. We are all constantly moving toward it and there is nothing really we can do. What is most important in our lives is the people we love and spending time with them. It's about the experiences in life that add up to who we are in the end. We cherish those memories because one day someone we love will die and all we really have when they are gone is their memory.

Maybe this movie is about reincarnation in a way because energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply...changes. The energy that was these two people who loved each other might change one day to be another two people who love each other. Or maybe, it will just be a tree.


Protagonist: It is kind of hard to pick which version of Hugh Jackman's character is really the one to review, but I decided on Tommy because the conquistador is like the story version of him and the bubble guy is the future version of him(?). I think throughout the movie I just kind of felt bad for Tommy. I mean, the guy's wife is dying and he has the answer for her cure so close to him...just at his finger tips and before he can get the chance to use it, she dies. He was also pretty relatable I thought, because how many people these days have had to watch someone they love slowly die right in front of them and they are powerless to stop it?  He did do a lot of changing in the movie, I think at first the version of him in the bubble with the tree didn't want to face his past but he eventually did and he ended up dying feeling 'whole.' But the conquistador I think took a turn for the worst - he seemed to be a bit greedy and destructive at the end drinking all that life sap. For all that I give the character of Tommy: 4/5.

Antagonist: Time and the disease are really the antagonists in this story. Although the inquisitor was a pretty menacing guy, he wasn't really important to the story. There is nothing that can beat death or fight passage of time - they drive the events of every story really. For that I give them 5/5.

Support Characters: I think of Izzy as a lead/support character. Although she was Tommy's wife and the conquistador's queen, she just had this heir of the mysterious oracle who was helping Tommy learn some divine truth. Which in the end I think he did, using the memories of things she said and her story. The other people in the movie did almost nothing except for Tommy's boss played by Ellen Burstyn - she was kind of like a motherly figure. Being that most of this movie was about Tommy's inner struggle with dealing with the death of his wife and the supporting characters didn't really contribute much, I give them 3/5.

Classic Potential: I am not entirely sure about this one, I think this movie was made a bit before it's time and I don't think a lot of people will get it, but maybe people in the future will see more from it so I'm gonna go half and half and give it a 2.5/5

Acting: Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz are amazing actors and I think they did a really good job, especially at the end when Tommy is sitting on the bed crying and giving himself a crude ring tattoo to replace his wedding band - was really heart wrenching and made me bawl my eyes out. I'm still sniffling a bit while writing this. I think it was cool how they both played multiple characters but those characters still mirrored each other. 4/5

Soundtrack: I just finished watching the movie less than two hours ago when writing this and I can't even remember the soundtrack really, so for that 2/5.

Special Effects: Really good. Like I said before this movie had stunning visuals and symbolism and it was all very beautiful and seamless to my eyes. I give it 5/5

Overall Rating: 25.5/35

References and Picture Credits:

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Points System

Okay, so this is how I am going to be rating the books, movies, and music albums I will be reviewing from now on. Each category is rated out of 5 and then totaled at the end for an overall rating.


Protagonist/Main Character: rated on likability and how well a reader could relate to them. They are also judged on how much character development happens over the course of the book and if they are an active participant of events - or does he/she just sit around letting all the other characters carry her through and basically does nothing but everything 'surrounds' that character. (I'm looking at you, Bella)

Antagonist: Basically judged on how good of a villain they are and how much they drove the plot. Could the story have still happened without them?

Support Characters: Do they give something extra to the book? How do they help the main character and how to they help make the story?

Addictive-ness: How hard was it to put down?

Classic Potential?: Could this book and its author stand the test of time and take a place next to the greats such as Shakespeare, Jane Austin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Homer?


Will be rated like books with these changes:
There will be no addictive-ness rating

The Classic Potential will be compared to movies like Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, and other movies like that which could never really be remade or topped. Movies that will always be around and enjoyed for generations.

There will also be these categories:

Acting: Did the people playing the characters really make them come to life, or did you just see the actor?

Soundtrack: How well did the soundtrack capture the mood of the movie?

Special Effects (if applicable): Were they well done for the time period of the movies and were they believable?

*I can also foresee other categories coming up with different kinds of movies but I think these are good and can encompass most movies I will be reviewing.

Music Albums

Emotion: Does the album provoke any emotion from you?

BMR: Beat, Melody, and Rhythm - how are they? Does it suit the kind of music? Is it confusing?

Enjoyable? Could this on its own be entertainment? Would sitting in a room listening to this music be enough to entertain someone.

Creativity: How different is this from other music in the media? How did the artist take this genre and make it their own?

Message: Is the artist trying to say something with their music?

These are all I can think of that would cover just about anything, but if there is some other aspect that you would want me to talk about when I am reviewing something, let me know!


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The Celestine Prophecy - Book Review

The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield

Published in 1995 by Grand Central Publishing

Book Synopsis:

The Narrator, who is never named, journeys to the country of Peru in search of an ancient manuscript said to contain the secrets and meaning of life itself. When he arrives however, he soon discovers that the Peruvian government is working with the church in order to suppress the information. Now on the run from the government and trying to find his way home, the main character is cast into an epic journey. It is filled with danger and mysterious 'coincidences' that seem to lead him to where he needs to be in order to learn all of the 9 insights of the manuscript.


So I thought it was very cool that the main character was never named. Reading the book in first person almost gives the feel of it being you who goes on this adventure - which I think was intentional. This is another book that has been a favourite of mine for as long as I can remember. I started out with listening to it on cassette tape, then I read it in book form a few times and now I have the full, unabridged version on CD. It is a book that has been quite an influence on myself as a person and the way I think and approach the world. And for as many times as I have read and heard it (I am at the point where I could almost recite the whole thing), I could still read or listen to it again. Besides being a really good read with adventure, romance, and mystery, it has a lot to take away with it too. The insights are applicable to real, every day life and make sense - at least to me. I don't want to give too much away here but I just think that this book was very well done. A lot of these kinds of books that are explaining a spiritual theory are written a lot like text or self-help books and this one is written as an exciting story which I feel helps the reader to understand better and also enjoy reading the book more.

*Spoiler Alert*


I think there is a reason I have read and listened to this book for the past...10+ years. It is a good book, I am not sure where even to start if I was going to try and criticize it. It has a straightforward plot, it has excitement and intrigue and I found it very enjoyable. But let me rate it and further discuss with my new points system.

4/5 - Protagonist: He was very easy to relate to with the perspective of the book being in first person. Although he seemed skeptical and a bit dense while trying to grasp the insights, I think maybe that this was for the reader's benefit to ensure that he or she would fully understand. That being said, I still found it a bit repetitive and annoying. He did however really develop through the book as he learned the insights; you could see him becoming more 'connected.' He was also very active in what was happening in the book, he actually seemed to be a main player of what was happening in the events of the story.

5/5 - Antagonist: The Peruvian government and the Christian church made a very menacing foe in the story; I felt real anxiety whenever they were close. But it goes more than that, they really drove the plot of the story. At first I was only going to give them 3/5 because I was thinking, 'well, he still would have gone to Peru and learned about the manuscript' - but he wouldn't have had all the vital experiences that really helped him to grasp the insights. For instance, he wouldn't have met Will, he wouldn't have run up that mountain to get away from them and then he wouldn't have had that super spiritual experience that helped him connect to the universe!

4/5 - Support Characters: Literally everyone the main character met was helping him in some way. Even if the characters themselves weren't 'favourable' - they were still helping the protagonist learn something important. But most of the other characters were literally helping him either learn or get to a new place...sometimes both. The reason I am giving only 4/5 is because it was a serious and heavy book and it would have been nice to have a comic relief character.

3/5 - Plot: Like I said before, it has a straight forward plot. Character goes on journey for knowledge and gets it. The reason for 3/5 is's a straight forward plot. Yes, there is danger and he sort of takes a windy path to get there, but at the end of it, he has the information and goes home. I like books to have more intrigue and for me to go 'um..what!? How did that even just happen!?' That was one thing that never really happened in this book. Furthermore there was never a point where the main character reached a really 'dark' or 'low' point where it looks like all hope is lost. I think that is vital to making a story really make you ache in your lit-heart, that's what makes a character really come to life and makes you cheer for them to get back up and keep going.

4/5 - Addictive-ness: I can't quite remember the first time I heard/read this book but I do know that it is a really good read and very difficult to put down once you have started. But, if you had something to do and did put it down, you could be away from it for a while and let what you have read really sink in.

2/5 - Classic Potential: As much as I do love this book I don't think it is going to become a 'classic' and what I mean by that is, it isn't in the same category as Shakespeare, Jane Austin, or J.R.R. Tolkien. It is directed to a group of people that is simply too slim right now and most definitely not in the main stream media. It also didn't have enough of the elements that really make it a great literary masterpiece. It is a good read, a wonderful adventure, and a great book on spirituality, but not a classic. (it will be in my house though).

Total: 22/30

This book has already been made into a movie by the same name which I give thumbs down to because I really don't feel it did the book justice at all.

I do recommend the book however, and I hope you enjoy. If you decide to pick it up, let me know what you think!

That's it for now!


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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year!

Okay so I had every intention to do my blog the past couple of weekends but it has been very hectic here so this upcoming Sunday I will be going into the planned blog schedule. When I wrote the first one I was staying at my mom's and taking care of her after she had surgery, and then the following week I came home and then it was holiday shopping and parties. Then there was cleaning to get ready for my friend to come visit in the states and that has been what I have been up to lately. Anyway, I have so many ideas and posts I am working on for book reviews, and it has been a challenge trying to find movies and albums to compliment the chosen books. I also find it hard because a lot of books I have wanted to review have also been converted to film, so I don't quite know what to do about that situation.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am still here and looking forward to taking this literary/musical/cinematic journey with you guys :) keep your eyes open for my next book review this Sunday!

That's it for now,
Happy New Year!